Web copy is significant in making visitors pulled into your website. A good copy should be providing smooth reading, stirring emotions, guiding online behavior and persuading buying action. Some marketers give importance to gated content, web design, functionality and video, but overlooks copywriting.


‘Clarity’ is the prime quality of a good copy. It leads to building a rapport with the visitor. And ‘Conciseness’ adds value to clarity. Adding relevant buzz words, industry jargon and clichés might help.

Use Subheads and Bullets

When you write copy keep in mind the fact that nearly 80% of visitors just skim the page. To attract and rivet their attention, use subheads and bullets. Due to this breakup, readers will be able to get an idea of what you try to communicate and take a decision.

Provide CTA at relevant locations

How to make the call-to-action (CTA) effectively is a hard nut to crack. The visitor must be given a clue with a CTA. Master this by placing CTA at all relevant locations on your website to test and not just at one location.

Hover your competitor’s website regularly

Always keep an eye on your competitor’s website. How their products are introduced to visitors. What are the CTAs they use? Meanwhile, also try to get a precise idea of the audience you target. What are their preferences? How they behave in your website? What prompts them to take the buying action?

Be Simple and Sincere in conveying benefits to customers  

Talk to the visitor in the present tense as if he/she is already using your product and service. Just tell your prospective customer the benefits they enjoy by using your product. Also use power words like -New, Love, Safe, Because, Guarantee, You and Free, but in a sincere manner. Never write Free then charge for it. That will be driving your visitor away at the last moment.

Proofreading is key

Last but not the least, before uploading the contents you have compiled, proofread them word by word and line by line. Take care of punctuations and remove the words that might steer double meaning. Remember, spelling and grammatical errors not only puts a very bad impression on customer but also might affect your website’s rank on search engines.

 A good web copy that leads to conversion may require a trained and experienced copy writer. It should be abetted by good web design and functionalities too, including form design. Ensure the fields are minimal in a form and has dropdowns to select the options rather letting anyone type the details in.

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