2021 brings in plenty of trends seen in the web world that conforms to modern standards and look stylish. Below are 8 key design that meets the customary netizens aspirations.

1. Responsive design

Number of smart-phones sold each month is shooting up.  People are more and more using their mobile devices to visit your website. So, having a website which works well in an Android device or iPhone is a must. Site users are customers, and if they cannot easily use your website wherever they are, they may wander to other sites. Responsive design allows your website to detect the screen size of the customer to climb to the extent appropriate, giving the user the best possible experience.

2. Design “flat” with Neumorphism

While the Responsive design works behind the scenes, when it comes to flat design, we refer to the aesthetics of the site. Removing shadows, bevels, patterns and textures is what creates a ‘flat’ design. It’s a simple but elegant style. Clean lines with elements that appear smooth and minimalist on the flat screen and the use of bright colors: all this brings a fresh vitality to the site. In addition, this style is very quick to load! But as a latest trend ‘Neumorphism’ with designs that mimic physicality through selective drop shadows while being draped with semi-flat colours can make the website feel realistic.

3. More Scrolling

Websites with multiple pages are useful because they give greater visibility. But for those who have a smartphone or a tablet, the clicks are awkward to use when compared to sliding. Keeping this in mind, it will be better to have a home page with contents that can be scrolled, with an eye to marketing.

4. Dark Mode

Used by many brands like Hublot, Apple etc. dark mode is a great way to add a modern, elegant touch to a website. Designers can play with more creative elements like pastels and neon. More so the dark mode is better for both our mobile battery life and our vision by it reducing blue light exposure. There are dark mode toggle available that can added to your website – as seen in these examples from Koos Looijesteijn, Johny Vino and Adrian Verde Studio enabling visitors to customize their experience

5. Typography

Is there anyone who still uses only Times New Roman or Verdana fonts? The art of printing is the new tool of style and sophistication, and can be easily added to the websites through the online free fonts. In addition, high quality fonts are now available at a reasonable price to achieve printing standard, which means that the owner of a small or medium enterprise is able to launch a marketing campaign, in both print and on-line, with the same quality of refined typography.

6. Great Pictures

Pictures have always been a great way to express ideas online, It is very evident by the popularity of Instagram. An excellent design method is to use powerful yet HD images with text overlay to quickly communicate ideas to users of the site. When you consider the mobile user then, a communicative picture is more easily digested than a text to be read with difficulty.

7. Parallax Animation

2021’s web-based animations are getting even more popular and at the same time its getting complex through the separation of page elements into extreme foreground and background, creating a parallax effect. The depth created with this parallax effect has the added benefit of immersion, transforming the computer screen into something closer to a theatre stage.   

8. The Infographic

Arm in arm with cool images, infographics are a great way to show a lot of information in a single space. It will take a good combination of images and words to tell a story that is both fun and educational, but when you do it right, the results are good, and the user is hooked to your site.

Well the designs trend doesn’t stop here. Evanto predicts Web Design trends for 2021 in brought in the video roundup:

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